Investment Management Blog | Burney Investment Management

Jobs Day Twitter Recap - Burney Investment Management

Written by Andy Pratt, CFA | 1.8.2016

The stock market has certainly stumbled out of the gate to start 2016 as China’s stock market crashes and international tensions highten in the Middle East and North Korea.  Investors were hoping for good news somewhere and boy did the December jobs report deliver.

The 292k headline number is impressive but the Household Suvey, the less known of the two surveys conducted, was even more impressive.

This month’s report capped off the best two year stretch for jobs growth in more than a decade:

Stocks were up early signaling a welcomed break to the market’s losing streak.

We expect wages to expand in 2016 and earnings are beginning to trend in the right direction.

 The US economy continue to chug along even in the face of difficult overseas conditions, excellent news for equity investors.